Our professional home infusion team includes active board-certified medical directors, registered nurses, pharmacists, and administrative staff. Our highly experienced clinicians have over 25 years of intrathecal pump therapy and have gone through extensive training to be able to bring you the high level of care you deserve. Our team works together to ensure safe delivery and maintenance of your medication
There are multiple components to your care:
Our goal-oriented plan for care is customized to meet your needs. We involve you, your caregiver, or designee, key professionals and other staff members in developing your individualized plan for care. We believe in individualized care and know you will benefit from our expertise.
Read our FAQ to gain a better understanding of our services.
The information contained in this website or provided through our blogs, e-mails, videos, programs, services, or products is for educational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, services, diagnosis, or treatment.